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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Men in Skirts/ Breast Cancer Research

Been a while since my last posting, apologies.  Being a professional photographer is like being a juggler 24/7.  If I am not shooting, I am organizing, bookkeeping, promoting, conceiving, and so on. Since my last posting, I had an interesting day of shooting. The morning I decided to test my lighting and photograph my friend Steve Robertson in his Bagpiping outfit. He brought out his uniform, and bagpipes and I shot away. Little did I know that the person I was photographing would also be bringing in his Kilt for the afternoon shoot. Turns out Jim Hamilton know Steve and they have even played together in the Scottish bagpipe band. Not to be outdone Jim also brought his dogs and had borrowed an antique rifle for the shoot....

I am also working a project entitled " Every Woman Matters." I am photographing 12 women who are either disabled and are survivors of breast cancer. They are from all over Montana and I photographed the first four last weekend. My studio will house the multi media installation 
the First Friday in March. The women are also being filmed and interview by Jeremy Lurgio of UM and students. This project has many wonderful volunteers from UM MSU and will be funded by the CDC ( Center for Disease Control) and Susan Komen Foudations...I will be completing the shooting this weekend....should be a good show...Between now and then I will be doing a book signing at Fact and Fiction...I have done book signings before but they terrify me....I mean what if no one shows up???? Here is portrait of one of the women I photographed:
I did have my 15 minutes of fame in Missoula...they ran a story and a photo of me at work on the front page of the news...good thing the inauguration wasn't that day... Oh well back to the bookkeeping, maybe I will practice my saxophone for a while or walk the dog...

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